Roles & Responsibilities

Who is Responsible for Digital Accessibility at UO?

All employees and departments are responsible for the content they create.

Website and Content Owners

  • All web developers, designers, communicators, and employees who post content to websites should be familiar with WCAG 2.1 AA requirements. Take the UO Web Accessibility Training, review the rules, and participate in the UO Web Accessibility Peer Support Community (available to those who have completed the training).
  • It is your responsibility to be proactive in maintaining an accessible web presence. It is not enough to change content after the fact in response to complaints.

Developers and Designers

  • Choose accessible technologies. Use the Cosmic theme in Drupal and WordPress.
  • Test frequently, both during and after development. As with any other development task, the earlier accessibility issues are caught, the less refactoring is required.


  • All instructors should be familiar with basic accessibility requirements. Take the UO Digital Content Accessibility Training and reach out to UO Online or TEP with questions.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that all of your Canvas content meets accessibility requirements.