Web Accessibility Training

I encourage all UO employees who create digital materials to take one or both of these trainings.
UO President Karl Scholz (Around the O)

People with disabilities have the right to full participation in all aspects of the University of Oregon. If we are choosing to not make our web content accessible, we are choosing to discriminate against people with disabilities.

The University of Oregon prioritizes diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. It is crucial that we take the necessary steps to make our content accessible. This training will educate web users about the importance of web accessibility from an ethical and legal standpoint, as well as provide detailed instruction to make websites accessible. They will also find recommended tools and support services.

This training is for anyone who creates or edits websites or web content (not including those who only create content for Canvas). If you are looking for training on making documents, media, and Canvas materials accessible, check out the Digital Content Accessibility Training.


This training includes three modules:

  1. Introduction to Web Accessibility (~20 minutes)
  2. Technical Details and Rules (~2 hours)
  3. Platform-specific trainings
    1. Drupal (~35 minutes)
    2. WordPress (5-10 minutes)

Take the Training

  1. You must be logged into LinkedIn Learning with your UO account
  2. Launch the UO Web Accessibility Training
  3. Open Part 1 & 2: Introduction & Technical Details and start the training by clicking Open Link over the thumbnail.
    1. Watch the videos in Part 1: Introduction to Web Accessibility.
    2. Watch the videos in Part 2: Accessibility for Web Design.
    3. Return to Part 1 & 2: Introduction & Technical Details and mark the training as complete.
    4. Navigate back to the learning path and review the Links lesson associated with Part 1 & 2 by clicking Open Link. When you’ve reviewed (and perhaps bookmarked this resource), return to the Links lesson and mark it as complete.
  4. Start Part 3: Platform-Specific Trainings by opening and clicking the link of the training that applies to you:
    1. If you have access to Drupal, watch the videos and review the links, then return to Drupal Accessibility Training and mark the training complete.
    2. If you have access to WordPress, read the linked page, then return to UO Blogs & WordPress Accessibility Training and mark the training complete.

After the Training

After you’ve watched every video associated with the web accessibility learning path and completed each part by clicking Complete Training within Part 1 & 2 and Part 3, visit the Finishing Up section and:

  1. Join the Web Accessibility Peer Support Community on Teams so you can ask questions and get advice about your specific web pages from colleagues and leaders.
  2. Attend the Web Accessibility Peer Support Drop-In meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 1:00-2:00pm on Zoom.
  3. Start using UO's recommended Accessibility Testing Tools
  4. Use the Web Accessibility Training badge in your professional profile.

During Part 1 of the training, a number of websites and resources are mentioned. Below are links to quickly access them.